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Devon, England

Miltons has a very impressive track record. Situated around the village of Bridgetown, to the north of Dulverton in Somerset, the Miltons Shoot led the way when the Great Shoots of Exmoor were pioneered in the early 1980s.

During the last 25 years, two significant tenants of the shoot have developed the stunning ground and realised most of the potential. Comprising 5,000 acres, the very best of the dramatic topography has led to the development of famous pheasant drives such as Collies Head, Howe Wood, Tom’s Hedges, Rookery and Dark Corner.

The partridges have a loyal following too, with old established drives such as Farm, Church, Squeakitts-Top and Aerial all providing excellent sport. New improvements this year look set to create more exciting drives.

Miltons must surely lay a strong claim to being, genuinely, one of the country's very best shoots.

One of the original Exmoor shoots, Miltons set the benchmark for modern driven game shooting.

Partridges & pheasants

middle of September until January.

The focal point for the shoot is Hollam Farm, in the middle of the estate, where lunch and tea are provided with plentiful local produce. Typically we would shoot 4 drivesand enjoy a late lunch at the end of the day. There is wonderful refreshments after each drive, sampling local game and produce as well as plenty of drink to wash it all down!

There are a plethora of local hotels and comfortable pubs close by, allowing guns to soak up the atmosphere of Exmoor before and after they shoot.

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