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Soundborough is a sporting estate owned by Ian and Elizabeth Wills and their son James near Andoversford in the Cotswolds. The shoot covers about 1300 acres of rolling ground, with four main valleys and a large area of cover crops and small mixed woodlands. The shoot was formed 25 years ago as a family shoot and is keepered by Andrew Holloway. Over the years it has progressed to about 20 days shooting of which two thirds are let. Every day is hosted by the family and should give an informal and relaxed feeling and that the estate is yours for the day. Trained dogs and your own vehicles are welcome.

The shoot has gained a good reputation for testing pheasants and partridges. September and October are partridge days and the rest of the season is mixed pheasant and partridge shooting. We only shoot once a week and normally on Thursdays or Fridays.

Every day begins with welcome drinks and a briefing for the day. There will normally be two drives then drinks/refreshments in the field. Two further drives then a two course lunch in the newly refurbished shoot room with all drink provided. The afternoon will consist of another one or two drives depending on the bag. Afternoon tea will be served back at the dining room, with a chance to reflect on the day. We can 'shoot through' should team prefer.

We have on offer a few whole days with bags of 250 - 300 birds.

Partridge & pheasant

Every day begins with welcome drinks and a briefing for the day. There will normally be two drives then drinks/refreshments in the field. Two further drives then a three course lunch in the newly refurbished shoot room with all drink provided. The afternoon will consist of another one or two drives depending on the bag. Afternoon tea will be served back at the dining room, with a chance to reflect on the day. We can 'shoot through' should team prefer.


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